Bar Hop! 酒吧馬拉松!我們公司一年一度的酒吧馬拉松又來了 到底什麼是酒吧馬拉松呢 基本上就是到一連到五個不同的酒吧喝酒 但瘋狂的部分是全程由我們的公司付費 而且還租了遊覽車載我們去 你可以帶一個朋友一起去 我當然帶了小胖子 你一定很好奇 怎麼大家都穿一樣的T恤 但顏色不一樣 基本上那是代表那一輛遊覽車是你的隊 每一輛是由一種水果當主題 有葡萄 草莓 藍梅 柳丁 萊姆 鳳梨 黑櫻桃 我們的是萊姆車 所以是綠色這是要出發前 有啤酒還有披薩可以吃The annual company bar hop is here again. What is bar hop? Basically we go to five different bars a night and the crazy part is our company pays for everything. There is tour bus taking us to each bar and you are allowed to bring one friend. I brought xiao-pang. You must be really curious, how come everybody is wearing the same kind of T-shirt, only the color is different? Basically the t-shirt color presents your team and each bus has a theme. This year the theme is fruit, so there are grape, strawberry, blue berry, orange, lime, pineapple and black cherry. Our bus is lime bus, so our shirt is green.Before we depart, there are free pizza and beer.Melissa和小胖Melissa and xiao-pang!Melissa和她先生 Melissa and her husband要上車囉Time to go車上也有啤酒There is free beer on the bus, too第一個酒吧 每一個酒吧停三十分鐘 一杯免費的調酒 This is the first bar. Every bar we have thirty minutes to get one free drink.你可以點任何一種調酒 小胖點了瑪格立特 You can order any kind of mixed drink. Xiao-pang got magarita.\耶! 好朋友 Ya! Me and my good friend!上車到第二個酒吧Time to go to the second bar隊長發啤酒囉The captain is passing out beer.Melissa的媽媽也來了Melissa's mom is here, too!第二個酒吧The second bar隊長頒發最佳精神獎 我得獎囉! I got the best "participation" reward! 和Melissa的妹妹還有媽媽做鬼臉Making funny faces with Melissa, her sister and her mom!在車上和Melissa跳舞 Dance with Melissa on the bus! 到了第三間酒吧On the way to the third bar.實在太好玩了~We are having such a great time~酒吧的外面Outside of the barMelissa太棒了!YA! Melissa is the best!柳丁隊的覽車拋錨了 所以他們也在這間酒吧The orange's bus is stuck on the stree, so theey are here, too. 這是在第四間酒吧 This is the fourth bar. 我好像每一張照片都在抱Melissa It seems like I am hugging Melissa in every picture一家人Family picture最後一家酒吧 每一隊都來囉The last bar; every team is here.
- Mar 24 Sat 2012 04:36
Bar Hop! 酒吧馬拉松!